11 March, 2021

The Sindh Higher Education Commission, Govt. of Sindh has intended to initiate various Training Programs Under “Capacity Enhancement Program (CEP)” at various levels of HR available in the Universities to strengthen/groom their Technical/Administrative/Financial and Management Skills.
Initially a has been initiated for the IT support Staff (Computer Operators, DEO, DPA, IT Staff, Clerical Staff) of Public Sector Universities in Sindh including Sindh HEC staff with the collaboration of the Universities through their expert/skilled staff in IT Faculty or any other Resource person from outside. Training program is being floated containing the topic/content (F/A) in IT (Microsoft office) to groom computer staff with jumpstart to their career and allow them to become more efficient at completing their daily tasks/work with the help of this knowledge and skills gained through this training. After this training, the trained staff is desired to work effectively in their office environment.