International Conference


(On Virtual Assessment Tools, Challenges, & Way Forward)

Academic activities are essential for universities and researchers to share knowledge and research. The Sindh Higher Education Commission emphasizes the fostering of research culture in higher education institutions through such events. Sindh HEC awards grants to Public Sector Universities in Sindh to hold International Conferences, Seminars, and Symposiums in order to foster the growth of research culture.

The received proposals go through a tough scrutiny process of a designated experts committee. During 2020-21, the committee approved nine proposals to organize International Conferences and Seminars. The program, planning and execution remains the discretion of host University; however, the representative(s) from Sindh HEC monitor and oversee the whole process. Due to COVID-19, only three Universities held the said International events. They are:

  1. NED University: Topic for the Conference was “Advances in material sciences and environment engineering.” An aid of Rs. 2.478 million was given to the University for this Event.
  2. Sindh University: Topic for the Conference was “Nontraditional security paradigms of Pakistan.” An aid of Rs. 2.478 million was given to the University for this Event.
  3. BNB Women University Sukkur: Topic for the Symposium was: “Virtual Assessment Tools.” An aid of Rs. 3.937 million was given to the University for this Event.

The Govt. of Sindh has separately allocated an amount of Rs. 50 million in 2021-22 for the conduct of International Conferences / Seminars / Symposia in all Public Sector Universities of the province. The Sindh Higher Education Commission invited proposals through advertisement in leading newspapers.

In response to the advertisement, 40 proposals were received from 14 Public Sector Universities of Sindh, which were placed before the committee of experts held on 17th January 2022. The committee after scrutiny and thorough discussion recommended 11 proposals of 8 universities for the conduct of Conferences / Symposia. 

S. No.

Name of University

Conference/ Symposium Title


University of Karachi

15th International Symposium on “Natural Product Chemistry”


International Conference on Post-Truth Era: Trends in Media


Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur

1st International Conference on Chemical Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach (ICCS-MA)


Sindh Agricultural University, Tando Jam

1st International conference on Plant Protection Sciences


NED University, Karachi

International Conference on Future Trends of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (FTQAHE) 2022


Mehran University Jamshoro & Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Campus Khairpur

1st International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences – 2022: A Multidisciplinary Approach (1st ICMAS-22)


IBA, Karachi

2nd International Conference -Development: Discourses and Critiques


Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur

4th International Conference on Business, Economics & Business Management (ICBEFM 2022)


University of Sindh Jamshoro

International Research Conference on Paradigm Shift in Education: Post Pandemic Approaches in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (IConPSE-2022)


University of Sindh Jamshoro

1st International Conference on Green Revolution Technology and Agriculture


University of Karachi

‘National conference on Managing Mega Cities’