Smart Class Rooms to the Newly Established Universities

08 April, 2021

Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Technology has affected us in every aspect. Sindh Higher Education Commission through its technical Team wants to change the traditional aproach of learning into smart learning through smart classes. It is a modernized method of education in education scenario which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement.
“Smart school and smart class” is an innovative concept in education. Now a day’s we are living in the age of internet, so our education system is also going to be online. In this environment e learning and online education is the need of this time. Use of internet in schools and education is not only a dream, but it is the necessity of the time.
Keeping in view the importance of Smart Class Rooms, The Sindh HEC provided funds for the establishment of initially 07 Smart class rooms in following newly established universities.

1. Govt. College University
2. BBSUVAS Sakrand
3. Skill Development University Khairpur
4. Sufi University Bhitshah
5. BNB Women University Aror Rohri
6. Shaikh Ayaz University Shikarpur
7. SABS Arts and Design University Jamshoro